A new issue and a new website at www.birthproject.com . We will be linking the old address to the new sometime soon hopefully, but in the meantime check out the new one. Don't miss our interview on www.communityrecordsmusic.com enter the site and we are the September podcast. It is about a half hour long and it is just us chatting about birth. Really well done if I do say so myself.
So when you are checking out our new website make sure you also hop on over to our Cafepress store and pick yourself up a I Love My Vulva t-shirt or the bat which we all love. We also have our buttons on the Merchandise page which you can get through snail mailing us a check or money order to our address and just tell us which ones you want. They are a dollar each. I know it is a really old not so convenient way of purchasing product but I think you can handle it and it is so worth the effort.
By the way WE WANT YOU TO WRITE FOR US. I hear so often folks say "well ... I don't write very well" -We don't mind, or "I don't have anything to say" - If we really think about it we all have something to say it is just whether we think folks want to hear it and we do. So speak to us folks, it is like writing a letter to a friend- just let it all out.
Email your submissions to submissions@thebirthproject.com THANKS!